Jesus is always near you.


Paul the Apostle wrote many epistles to his followers and loved ones which can be seen in the New Testament, and what always struck home with me was the fact that Jesus Christ was always close to him. I know Jesus is always close to his believers, however with Paul’s letters this is reinforced into our souls every time we read his God inspired words.


Jesus is always near you through his stories and parables, and with me the Good Samaritan


always reminds me of how Jesus Christ always in times of need, like when the beggar was beaten, robbed, left for dead, and none would help him save the Good Samaritan, a ‘people’ that were despised by nearly everyone just like Jesus was despised by nearly everyone, stopped to save his life!


You know friends, all of the times that we have been like that beggar, not literally of course, but times like when we scraped our knee as a kid, or times when we encountered our first close bereavement, virtually everyone passed me by except Jesus. Mum put the plaster on, Jesus stayed by your side too, until those sniffles and cries stopped and turned to laughter.


Jesus is always near friends, and always will be.

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and may the love of Jesus be always near you, now and forever more, Amen.


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